API Concepts

This document is a deep dive into the reasoning and design for the API. The content of this document was originally taken from the API sketch.

We will try to keep the two documents in sync as the sketch document has to lowest bar to contribution, but this document is easier to format well and review.

Roles and personas

In the original design of Kubernetes, the Ingress and Service resources were based on a self-service model of usage; developers who create Services and Ingresses control all aspects of defining and exposing their applications to their users.

We have found that the self-service model does not fully capture some of the more complex deployment and team structures that our users are seeing. The Gateway/Routes API will target the following personas:

  • Infrastructure provider: The infrastructure provider (infra) is responsible for the overall environment that the cluster(s) are operating in. Examples include: the cloud provider (AWS, Azure, GCP, ...), the PaaS provider in a company.
  • Cluster operator: The cluster operator (ops) is responsible for administration of entire clusters. They manage policies, network access, application permissions.
  • Application developer: The application developer (dev) is responsible for defining their application configuration (e.g. timeouts, request matching/filter) and Service composition (e.g. path routing to backends).

We expect that each persona will map approximately to a Role in the Kubernetes Role-Based Authentication (RBAC) system and will define resource model responsibility and separation.

Depending on the environment, multiple roles can map to the same user. For example, giving the user all of the above role replicates the self-service model.

Resource model

Note: Resource will initially live in the networking.x-k8s.io API group as Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs). Unqualified resource names will implicitly be assumed to be part of this API group.

There are three main types of object in our resource model:

GatewayClass defines a set of gateways with a common configuration and behavior.

Gateway requests a point where traffic can be translated to Services within the cluster.

Routes describe how traffic coming via the Gateway maps to the Services.


GatewayClass defines a set of Gateways that share a common configuration and behaviour. Each GatewayClass will be handled by a single controller, although controllers MAY handle more than one.

GatewayClass is a cluster-scoped resource. There MUST be at least one GatewayClass defined in order to be able to have functional Gateways. A controller that implements the Gateway API does so by providing an associated GatewayClass resource that the user can reference from their Gateway(s).

This is similar to IngressClass for Ingress and StorageClass for PersistentVolumes. In Ingress v1beta1, the closest analog to GatewayClass is the ingress-class annotation, and in IngressV1, the closest analog is the IngressClass object.


A Gateway describes how traffic can be translated to Services within the cluster. That is, it defines a request for a way to translate traffic from somewhere that does not know about Kubernetes to somewhere that does. For example: HTTP/S traffic sent to K8S Services via the Gateway, which may be a Cloud LB, in-cluster proxy or external hardware LB. While many use cases have client traffic originating “outside” the cluster, this is not a requirement.

It defines a request for a specific load balancer config that implements the GatewayClass’ configuration and behaviour contract. The resource MAY be created by an operator directly, or MAY be created by a controller handling a GatewayClass.

As the Gateway spec captures user intent, it may not contain a complete specification for all attributes in the spec. For example, the user may omit fields such as addresses, ports, TLS settings. This allows the controller managing the GatewayClass to provide these settings for the user, resulting in a more portable spec. This behaviour will be made clear using the GatewayClass Status object.

A Gateway MAY contain one or more *Route references which serve to direct traffic for a subset of traffic to a specific service.


Various types of Route objects define how traffic via the Gateway is mapped to Kubernetes Services.

Currently the two Route object types are HTTPRoute and TCPRoute, to cover the two most common uses for this sort of traffic.

This design is intended to be extensible at this point - it’s possible that the service-apis team may create a UDPRoute, or even an IPRoute in the future.

Combined types

The combination of GatewayClass, Gateway, xxxxRoute and Service(s) will define an implementable load-balancer. The diagram below illustrates the relationships between the different resources:


Request flow

A typical client/gateway API request flow for a gateway implemented using a reverse proxy is:

  1. A client makes a request to an FQDN, i.e. "foo.example.com".
  2. The FQDN gets resolved to gateway.status.listeners[x].address.
  3. The request is received by the Gateway implementation, i.e. reverse proxy, on gateway.status.listeners[x].address and gateway.spec.listeners[x].port.
  4. If the request uses TLS, then gateway.spec.listeners[x].tls is used for establishing the connection. Note: The details for modeling a "virtual host" is still under review. Therefore, how TLS is configured may change in the future.
  5. If the Gateway is configured to terminate the TLS connection, an HTTPRoute is selected based on the request’s Host header, i.e. FQDN in step 1, matching httpRoute.spec.hosts[x].hostname. If the Gateway is configured to pass the TLS connection through to the backend object, i.e. Service, SNI is used to match the request with an HTTPRoute based on httpRoute.spec.hosts[x].hostname. Note: Whether hosts should be singular is still under review.
  6. The Gateway implementation performs filtering (optional) and forwarding based on httpRoute.spec.hosts[x].rules[x].match . The match can be based on the request path and/or header.
  7. Lastly, the request is forwarded to an object within the cluster.

Design considerations

There are some general design guidelines used throughout this API.

Single resource consistency

The Kubernetes API guarantees consistency only on a single resource level. There are a couple of consequences for complex resource graphs as opposed to single resources:

  • Error checking of properties spanning multiple resource will be asynchronous and eventually consistent. Simple syntax checks will be possible at the single resource level, but cross resource dependencies will need to be handled by the controller.
  • Controllers will need to handle broken links between resources and/or mismatched configuration.


Separation and delegation of responsibility among independent actors (e.g between cluster ops and application developers) can result in conflicts in the configuration. For example, two application teams may inadvertently submit configuration for the same HTTP path. There are several different strategies for handling this:

  • TODO




GatewayClass (source code) is cluster-scoped resource defined by the infrastructure provider. This resource represents a class of Gateways that can be instantiated.

Note: this serves the same function as the networking.IngressClass resource.

kind: GatewayClass
  name: cluster-gateway
  controller: "acme.io/gateway-controller"

We expect that one or more GatewayClasses will be created by the infrastructure provider for the user. It allows decoupling of which mechanism (e.g. controller) implements the Gateways from the user. For instance, an infrastructure provider may create two GatewayClasses named internet and private to reflect Gateways that define Internet-facing vs private, internal applications.

kind: GatewayClass
  name: internet
kind: GatewayClass
  name: private

The user of the classes will not need to know how internet and private are implemented. Instead, the user will only need to understand the resulting properties of the class that the Gateway was created with.

GatewayClass parameters

Providers of the Gateway API may need to pass parameters to their controller as part of the class definition. This is done using the GatewayClass.spec.parametersRef field:

# GatewayClass for Gateways that define Internet-facing applications.
kind: GatewayClass
  name: internet
  controller: "acme.io/gateway-controller"
    apiVersion: core/v1
    kind: ConfigMap
    namespace: acme-system
    name: internet-gateway
kind: ConfigMap
  name: internet-gateway
  namespace: acme-system
  ip-address-pool: internet-vips

The type of object referenced by GatewayClass.spec.parametersRef will depend on the provider itself. A core.ConfigMap is used in the example above, but controllers may opt to use a CustomResource for better schema validation.

GatewayClass status

GatewayClasses MUST be validated by the provider to ensure that the configured parameters are valid. The validity of the class will be signaled to the user via GatewayClass.status:

kind: GatewayClass
  - type: InvalidParameters
    status: Unknown

A new GatewayClass will start with the InvalidParameters condition set to Unknown. At this point the controller has not seen the configuration. Once the controller has processed the configuration, the condition will be set to False:

kind: GatewayClass
  - type: InvalidParameters
    status: False

If there is an error in the GatewayClass.spec, the conditions will be non-empty and contain information about the error.

kind: GatewayClass
  - type: InvalidParameters
    status: True
    Reason: BadFooBar
    Message: "foobar" is an FooBar.


A Gateway is 1:1 with the life cycle of the configuration of infrastructure. When a user creates a Gateway, a load balancer is provisioned (see below for details) by the GatewayClass controller. Gateway is the resource that triggers actions in this API. Other resources in this API are configuration snippets until a Gateway has been created to link the resources together.

The Gateway spec defines the following:

  • GatewayClass used to instantiate this Gateway.
  • Listener bindings, which define addresses and ports, protocol termination, TLS-settings. Listener configuration requested by a Gateway definition can be incompatible with a given GatewayClass (e.g. port/protocol combination is not supported)

Listener configuration requested by a Gateway definition can be incompatible with a given GatewayClass (e.g. port/protocol combination is not supported). In this case, the Gateway will be in an error state, signaled by the status field. Routes, which point to a set of protocol-specific routing served by the Gateway. A Gateway can point directly to Kubernetes Service if no advanced routing is required.

Deployment models

Depending on the GatewayClass, the creation of the Gateway could do any of the following actions:

  • Use cloud APIs to create an LB instance.
  • Spawn a new instance of a software LB (in this or another cluster).
  • Add a configuration stanza to an already instantiated LB to handle the new routes.
  • Program the SDN to implement the configuration.
  • Something else we haven’t thought of yet...

The API does not specify which one of these actions will be taken. Note that a GatewayClass controller that manages in-cluster proxy processes MAY restrict Gateway configuration scope, e.g. only be served in the same namespace.

Gateway Status

Gateways track status for the Gateway resource as a whole as well as each Listener it contains. The status for a specific Route is reported in the status of the Route resource. Within GatewayStatus, Listeners will have status entries corresponding to their name. Both GatewayStatus and ListenerStatus follow the conditions pattern used elsewhere in Kubernetes. This is a list that includes a type of condition, the status of that condition, and the last time this condition changed.









Generic routing



