How to contribute

This page contains links to all of the meeting notes, design docs and related discussions around the APIs.


Major discussions and notifications will be sent on the SIG-NETWORK mailing list.

We also have a Slack channel (sig-network-service-apis) on for day-to-day questions, discussions.


Meetings discussing the evolution of the service APIs will alternate times to accommodate participants from various time zones:

  • Thursday 10:30 AM Pacific (EMEA Friendly Time) [Zoom Link]
  • Thursday 4:30 (16:30) PM Pacific (APAC Friendly Time) [Zoom Link]

Meeting notes

Meeting schedule scratch pad

Future meetings Check the calendar
February 27, 2019 meeting notes, recording
February 20, 2019 meeting notes, recording
February 13, 2019 meeting notes, recording
February 6, 2019 meeting notes, recording
January 30, 2019 meeting notes, recording
January 23, 2019 meeting notes, recording TODO
January 16, 2019 meeting notes, recording
January 9, 2019 meeting notes, recording
January 2, 2020 meeting notes, recording didn't work :-( look at the notes
December 19, 2019 meeting notes, recording
November, 2019 Kubecon 2019 San Diego: API evolution design discussion
November, 2019 SIG-NETWORK: Ingress Evolution Sync
May, 2019 Kubecon 2019 Barcelona: SIG-NETWORK discussion (general topics, includes V2)

Design docs

Title Description
API sketch Sketch of the proposed API

Presentations, Talks

Date Title
November, 2019 Kubecon 2019 San Diego: Evolving the Kubernetes Ingress APIs to GA and Beyond slides, video
November, 2019 Kubecon 2019 San Diego: SIG-NETWORK Service/Ingress Evolution Discussion slides
May, 2019 Kubecon 2019 Barcelona: Ingress V2 and Multicluster Services slides, video
March, 2018 SIG-NETWORK: Ingress user survey data, slides

Code of conduct

Participation in the Kubernetes community is governed by the Kubernetes Code of Conduct